MAAPER - Analysis of Alternative Polyadenylation Using 3' End-Linked Reads
A computational method developed for model-based analysis of alternative polyadenylation (APA) using 3' end-linked reads. It accurately assigns 3' RNA-seq reads to polyA sites through statistical modeling, and generates multiple statistics for APA analysis. Please also see Li WV, Zheng D, Wang R, Tian B (2021) <doi:10.1186/s13059-021-02429-5>.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.65 score 9 stars 7 scripts 201 downloadsscINSIGHT - Interpretation of Heterogeneous Single-Cell Gene Expression Data
We develop a novel matrix factorization tool named 'scINSIGHT' to jointly analyze multiple single-cell gene expression samples from biologically heterogeneous sources, such as different disease phases, treatment groups, or developmental stages. Given multiple gene expression samples from different biological conditions, 'scINSIGHT' simultaneously identifies common and condition-specific gene modules and quantify their expression levels in each sample in a lower-dimensional space. With the factorized results, the inferred expression levels and memberships of common gene modules can be used to cluster cells and detect cell identities, and the condition-specific gene modules can help compare functional differences in transcriptomes from distinct conditions. Please also see Qian K, Fu SW, Li HW, Li WV (2022) <doi:10.1186/s13059-022-02649-3>.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.02 score 21 stars 10 scripts 233 downloads